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Consider this quote from Abe Lincoln

"America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves."



The Dexfield Historical Marker Project

Dexter Park Dexter Park 2010
Then August 2010

The Historical Marker Project seeks to commemorate the site of the old Dexfield Park enjoyed by Dexter and the surrounding community from 1915-1933.

The old Dexfield Park was located aprox. 3 miles north of Dexter on what is currently Dexfield Rd.  If you take that short drive north and as you head down the hill toward the river, just before you get to the bridge, look off to the right in the flat spot between the hill and the river.  There is probably some sort of corn or bean field there now, but in the early 1900's this was the place to be.  Hundreds and hundreds of people would gather on Sunday's to take advantage of the entertainment opportunity's offered there.  To read an account of the Park from someone who was actually there, see the link below.

Submitted Articles

Remembering Dexfield Park

Marker Stones

The Dexfield Park Memorial stones are complete. If you would like to see a preview of the stones click on the link. Dexfield Park Marker Stones

The Markers Stones have been placed an are available to public viewing as of September 10, 2007.  They commemorate the once popular "Beautiful Dexfield Park" and the Barrow gang capture. The markers depict the stories of that time in history. Included at the site is a lamp post that once was in the former park. On July 24, 2007, a dedication was held at the Dexter Community House reflecting on the history of the park and the capture of the gang that happened 75 years ago. Pictures, book and artifacts are on display in the museum.

Dexfield Park Marker Site Pictures


Bad Day for Buck and Blanche

An excerpt from a wikipida article making reference to Dexfield Park and the Bonnie and Clyde incident.

On July 24, 1933, the Barrow Gang was at Dexfield Park, an abandoned amusement park near Dexter, Iowa. After their bloody bandages were noticed by local citizens, it was determined that the campers were the Barrow gang. Surrounded by local lawmen and approximately one hundred spectators, the Barrows once again found themselves under fire. Clyde Barrow, Parker, and W.D. Jones escaped on foot. Buck was shot again, in the back, and he and his wife were captured by the officers. Buck died five days later, at Kings Daughters Hospital in Perry, Iowa, of pneumonia after surgery. Although Jones parted ways with the pair the next month, Barrow and Parker regrouped, and on November 22, 1933, again narrowly evaded arrest — but not bullets, each catching one in the leg — while attempting to rendezvous with family members near Sowers, Texas. It was the only time they ever attempted family meetings at the same place on consecutive nights.

The full article can be found here