Dexter Museum Dexter Museum 2010

Orginal Sign

New sign erected July 2010

Dexter Museum

Awning summer 2014. Benches spring 2015

Exhibits include the 1948 National Plowing Match containing the orginal scoreboard, the Dexfield Park, Barrow gang's shootout, military, class pictures from Dexter Highschool, Jim Meister's blacksmith shop artifacts, and various other displays which change regularly. Also on display is an exhibit that commerates Harry S. Truman's visit including picture, scrapbooks, audio tapes and artifacts.  Several items can be purchased at the museum, including calendars with old pictures of Dexter, CD's of Dexfield School made by Beth Rogers, Bonnie & Clyde and White Pole Road books.


Museum Hours of Operation

The Dexter Museum Board is proud to announce that the Museum will be open to the public every Sunday from May through October.  Closed on holidays.  Groups are welcome. The Museum can also be seen by appointment by contacting Doris Feller at 515-833-2717, Mary McColloch at 515-789-4270.

Museum Items for Sale

Bonnie & Clyde Books Prints Calendars

Postage for the books are $5.50 for the large book and $5.00 for the small.

Prints are $5.00 each with $1.50 postage.

Calendars package of 4 for $10.00 with $5.50 postage or 1 for $5.00 with $1.50 postage.

Dexter Memories - a compliation of old calendar pages nicely bound in a hardcover binder  $20.00
If you would like to purchase one or more of these items drop us a note on the

Submitted Information

Bonnie & Clyde

Picture of Bonnie & Clyde Shootout

Take Time to Remember Dexter - 125 years of Dexter History by Antoinette Adkins

W. D. Jones account of Bonnie & Clyde

Dexter Historical Links

Truman's Dexter Campaign Speech

Truman Library photograph

FBI History of Bonnie and Clyde

Bonnie and Clyde account