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Consider this quote from Abe Lincoln

"America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves."



White Pole Road

In 1910 the original White Pole road was designated to run from Des Moines to Council Bluffs. The idea was to provide a straighter, leveler route across the State. In the beginning it was a way to promote businesses and commerce in the towns along the way. Over the years it went from a community maintained road to a State Highway to a Federal Highway and finally back to a county/community maintained road. Currently the White Pole Road Development Corporation has taken up the cause of promoting activities and commerce in and around the communities of Adair, Casey, Menlo, Stuart and Dexter along the old White Pole Road.

whitepole sign

An original White Pole Road bridge, built in 1917, still remains a half-mile south of Dexter.  The orginal route, different than today's route, can be found on the map at the link below.

Orginal White Pole Road map

To find out more information about the White Pole Road Development Corporation and the history of the White Pole Road check out the following links.