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Consider this quote from Abe Lincoln

"America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves."



It’s almost time to roll out the annual Thanksgiving feast and spend a little time with your family. In order that we all can make it through the next few days as stress free as possible here are a few tips to help you cope with the holiday season.

  1. In the course of the Thanksgiving meal it is not acceptable to poke the cranberry molded in the shape or a can with your finger.
  2. There is a reason that there is a football game on T.V. so perhaps rather than making a children’s table you need to make a men’s table with a good view of the tube.
  3. Thanksgiving prayers are certainly ok, but should not last any longer than halftime of the football game.
  4. It’s Thanksgiving, that means turkey. Not roast beef, or Casey’s Pizza.
  5. Any discussion about your sisters tattoo or Uncle Bill’s latest run in with the law should wait until after the meal. Just because everyone is captive at the dinner table is not a reason to drag out every family secret for discussion.
  6. Christmas lights should not be turned on before 6 p.m.
  7. Napping is appropriate any time during the day and children should be reminded that waking up Grandpa during his nap may lead to a heart attack.
  8. It is acceptable to send home leftovers with relatives, but try not to give all the green bean casserole to the person you dislike the most.
  9. Since you are all in the house at the same time, it is a great time to discuss Christmas and make sure that everyone is on the same game plan. There is nothing worse than your brother showing up with gifts for everyone when it as a draw a name out of the hat year.
  10. Finally, enjoy your time together, it only comes once a year so the suffering won’t last too long..

See you next week…remember, we’re all in this together.

