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Consider this quote from Abe Lincoln

"America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves."



Running late…random lateness..

  1. It’s not that I would like an ice storm or a good four feet of snow, but I had forgotten just how much I hate mud. Somewhere at work there is a pair of pliers that fell off the top of the bin and landed deep into the mud. I’m going to let the dirt god’s have them.

  2. While I was up on top of the leg early last week a bald eagle decided to pay me a visit and I’m guessing he thought I might have some beef jerky in my pocket. He was not impressed with my arm waving and I decided he looked a little more aggressive than Sam from the Muppets.

  3. I made a pot of chili last week using home canned sauce. It tasted like spaghetti for some reason however it didn’t deter me from eating it anyway.

  4. If you have some extra time on your hands there are historic aerial photographs on the DNR website. It’s very interesting to look at how much things have changed since 1930 as well as how much better the imagery is these days.

  5. I woke up the other night in a cold sweat after dreaming that I had quit my job and started my own wood splitting business. I think I had a sound business model until I realized that the new homes being built are installing gas fireplaces.

  6. It’s been a busy month for the kids, with one turning sixteen, one headed to France in a few weeks and one getting ready for a mission trip to Houston next month. It sure has changed since the days of Teletubbies and Blue’s Clues.

  7. Speaking of the middle child’s trip to France. After listening to her describe what she was packing I realized she never got past that point where it was necessary to take everything in the house when she was little when we went anywhere. I warned her that the plane might not have enough fuel because of the number of pairs of pants she was packing. She rolled her eyes at me.

  8. I’m ashamed to say that I watched an entire two hours of a cornhole tournament on ESPN over the weekend. I didn’t even know that it was a thing, and I’m blaming curling.

  9. The Olympics are gone for another two years. I can now get to bed at a reasonable time, but staying up to watch the women’s hockey team win the gold medal was well worth it. Hopefully NBC will work a little more on not talking through everything and showing something other than skating once in a while, but I was pleased that I got to see most of it without DishNetwork fighting with the local NBC affiliate.

  10. Finally, do some good this week…and call your Mom! See you next week..remember, we’re all in this together.