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Consider this quote from Abe Lincoln

"America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves."



So march snuck in like a lion, or a lamb or some sort of animal in between which means that it’s time for some random thoughts…

  1. For those on Dish Network, the loss of KCCI right before the NCAA basketball tournament is certainly reminiscent of the last Olympics when WHO blacked out their channel. On a scale of one to ten of how happy I am with both Dish and KCCI right now I would say I am at a negative seven. For the amount of money subscription television costs I’m seriously beginning to think we were all better off when we just had rabbit ears.

  2. Daylight savings time begins this Saturday night, so if you happen to forget and walk into church as people are leaving, just pretend that you were in the back row all the time.

  3. They really don’t make mouse traps like they used to. The score as of today is my fingers 4 – mouse 1.

  4. Can it really be spring break time already? Doesn’t it seem like the kids were just going back to school after winter break?

  5. I spent this past Saturday in Centerville at the FFA District Convention. Local FFA members including Earlham’s own Cassie Bond made everyone proud. As important as feeding the world is, the ability to provide young people with leadership opportunities is equally important. The latter should not be a worry with this group of young leaders.

  6. I had a pineapple soda today. Not as good as anticipated. Pineapple soda? What was I thinking?

  7. Have you given up anything for Lent? I tried to give up naps, but that was a bad idea. I’ve been debating to going to my back up plan of giving up Girl Scout cookies, but that’s only because I finished the box of thin mints in one sitting.

  8. Why are snow peas called snow peas when they look like regular peas? Shouldn’t they be white?

  9. Finally this week…As you are out and about this week, take time to slow down and look for those first few flowers peaking up from the ground, or the trees that are starting to bud, or even the way the grass starts to turn green on those south facing areas. It’s truly a wonderful world we live in, but sometimes we take the beautiful things a little too much for granted. See you next week, remember we’re all in this together.