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Consider this quote from Abe Lincoln

"America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves."



How about a few random thoughts this week?

  1. So we now have Obama care. Wonderful. $94 billion dollars a year that has to come somewhere and I’m guessing it’s going to be out of your pocket and mine. The part that bothers me the most is we now have the government telling us that we have to buy a product. I think perhaps there was a better solution, and I’m not sure that running it through into law before you lost votes in the November elections really gives the “need” all that much credibility.
  2. I’ve been learning a lot with the new job. Granted the day I spent hunched over in a sewer water filled, three foot crawl space wasn’t the greatest, but I’m sure glad to be working again.
  3. Spring just might be showing itself this week. Here and there in patches the green grass is starting to show through and it won’t be long and we’ll be firing up the lawn mowers.
  4. Easter already? Wasn’t it just Christmas? Which reminds me, I’m going to need to do some major house cleaning before the family comes.
  5. Have you ever looked at a rock and wondered what the rock it came from looked like? I’m guessing a bigger rock.
  6. The only downside to working long hours is forgetting that you started a load of laundry on Sunday and by the time you remembered it Thursday night it smells so bad it needs washed again.
  7. Hey! Baseball season is here. I wonder how the Cubs will do this year?
  8. I’ve spent some time this weekend contemplating the “Do unto others” thought. I find that there are days I fail miserably at this. Why is it so very hard sometimes just to be straightforward and honest with people and yet still be kind? I’m of the opinion that I for one, am really going to work hard on that thought this year. Do unto others…..I think I’ll write that down and tape it to my bathroom mirror as a reminder.
  9. After a hard winter, it’s easy to get a little itch to be outdoors, camping, fishing, going to the Fair. But my mind is so wrapped up on wanting to go on vacation already that it’s making me a little silly. I’ve got the urge to do some traveling; to sit on a beach and watch the sunrise over the Atlantic.
  10. Finally this week, I have decided that the cats are plotting against me when I’m at work. I came home to find the three good pair of socks I own had mysteriously gotten from their usual resting spot to inside the tub in the bathroom. I’m hoping it’s the cats and not one of those giant rats that I’ve seen on the National Geographic specials. Just in case I’ll be sleeping with one eye open for a while.

See you next week...Remember, we're all in this together.