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Consider this quote from Abe Lincoln

"America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves."



March went out like a lamb and April steamed in right behind it. It isn’t often that I am reminded just how uncomfortable vinyl seats are this early in the year so let’s make this short and sweet with a few random thoughts.

  1. I had the opportunity to spend a day judging at the State Finals for Odyssey of the Mind in Ames this past weekend. This problem solving competition teaches kids to think creatively and to use their talents. I was extremely proud of the teams from West Central Valley that competed. Iowa State University will host World Finals in May, which will bring 17,000 students from 44 states and 25 countries. It should be an amazing time!

  2. I’ve not planted anything in my garden yet, and I’m doing my best to hold off planting for another couple of weeks, but I’m sure itching to get the little seeds in the ground.

  3. I think all of us in central Iowa were saddened to hear about the young lady who took the life of her son and then herself a few weeks ago. I’m not really sure who is to blame in this situation, but if you know of someone who needs help, or you need help yourself, don’t stop asking, and don’t give up. That situation didn’t need to happen, although I certainly can understand the frustration of that young woman when nothing in life seems to go right.

  4. 90 degrees the first day of April? Yes. Can you only imagine what August is going to be like? I better save enough money for an additional Lemon Shake-Up for each day of the Fair.

  5. I have yet to mow my yard, but that isn’t to out of the ordinary for anyone living in the country. I thought about getting a couple of goats and just tethering them in my yard and then I remembered the goats we had when I was a kid and decided better of it.

  6. Easter dinner last Sunday…and for the record…Mom made ham balls.

  7. I could use a good nap. For a week or two.

  8. No pie this week, however I did take the time while in Ames to stop in at Hickory Park and eat a Sundae. Good stuff there, very good stuff.

  9. I finally got the time to watch the movie Courageous after the DVD had laid on my television stand for over a week. It was a good movie and had a good message. I’m looking forward to picking up the Muppets on DVD as well.

  10. Finally this week, as you watch your children gorge themselves on the presents from the Easter Bunny, please take time to make a donation to your local food pantry. The need has not diminished and they need our help.

See you next week…Remember, we’re all in this together.