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Consider this quote from Abe Lincoln

"America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves."



Graduation. That wonderful time when the youngin’s shout and holler about being done with a phase of their lives and step out to conquer the world head on with all the hopes and dreams of youth. So for this week I’ll take a moment to offer up some helpful advice to our graduates.

  1. Enjoy this time…it will be one of few truly happy moments in your life. It probably will rank up there with getting married, having children and your team winning the Super Bowl.
  2. Going to college is scary. Get past that and try not to be a complete moron just because your are away from home. Remember that you are probably going somewhere where you don’t know the police on a first name basis and they won’t drive you home.
  3. It’s called Beer. They will make more and you’ll have may more years to drink it. Don’t try to do that all at once.
  4. You’ll get luggage. I’m not sure why, but you could probably use an alarm clock and a book on time management instead.
  5. Don’t blow all of your graduation money on an X Box. The period of time between your “left over” tuition grant money and the next round is a lot longer than you think.
  6. Ramen noodles and chips are considered food groups now.
  7. You are paying to have an advisor..Use them for advice.
  8. Get involved. There are a number of groups on campus. Don’t be afraid to get involved in a group. It’s a great way to meet new people.
  9. Try to be nice to your roommate. They are just as full of life and excited to be away from home as you are.
  10. Finally, Study hard, learn and take a class or two that just interests you. Not because you have to, but because you can.

See you next week, remember… we’re all in this together.

