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Consider this quote from Abe Lincoln

"America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves."



On a quiet Sunday evening I sit down to write my weekly column and with the Memorial Day holiday coming up, it is usual that I write something about cemeteries, or veterans or perhaps even my memories of Memorial Days gone by. For those of you on facebook, you may be aware of the Dexter History page that I’ve been working on for the last couple of months, and this week we are posting photos of individuals with Dexter ties that served this country. Researching and finding photos has brought me to the sad realization that not everyone is home from those wars of long ago even to this day. I remember covering the funeral of Francis Love who was lost over Papua New Guinea in 1943 and yet was never found and listed as MIA until his remains were recovered and buried in Dexter in the first part of this century. There are the Wilson brothers, also with Dexter ties, who served and lost portions of that family, some of which still have not been found to this day. We as a country need to continue to search out and locate these wrecks and find the remains of our servicemen and women and bring them home or lay them to rest in a suitable place.

According to the Department of Defense website more than 83,000 Americans are still listed as missing in action. That is 83,000 families who never were allowed to say goodbye, who have no grave to visit and for whom, there are questions still remaining. So this weekend, when you have the time stop and take a moment to pray for those lost that they will be found and returned home.


See you next week…remember, we’re all in this together.