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Consider this quote from Abe Lincoln

"America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves."



Do you have weekend plans? Perhaps you’ll go on a vacation, spend the weekend camping, or just put around the house and yard doing odd jobs. Monday with the holiday here most of us will have a day off. We’ll wake up in the morning and poke around the house never once giving a thought to the day other than to be glad we’re not stuck in traffic somewhere.

But in that same instant we, by our lack of action and thought, have done a great disservice to the memory of thousands of our men and women who have served this country and paid the supreme sacrifice with their lives.

It won’t take long, just an hour out of your morning to join one of the many memorial services being held in our communities. For me, Memorial Day is the most important holiday we observe and yet for many that meaning has been lost in the years since the school children would parade from the school to the cemetery. We need to teach our children the important lessons that are found within this holiday and to remember those who have served our communities and our Nation. Take a moment this weekend to reflect on your freedom and to prove to those who now occupy our hallowed ground that our words “We shall not forget!” were not spoken in jest.

See you next week, remember… we’re all in this together.

