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Consider this quote from Abe Lincoln

"America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves."



Just a couple of quick thoughts this week.

  1. It was a thrill to see the Chinese steam engines come through on Saturday. From the Moms and Dads and Grandmas with kids to the “Foamers” (aka Railfans) all were well behaved it seems. Regardless of whether they ever come back through this side of the state again it was a thrill to see live steam pulling freight trains again, and if I am correct for the first time since 1958. Mark it down folks as it is a memory that might never come back through again.
  2. This weekend we got to show off Dexter a bit when the James Gang gathered at the Dexter City Park for the annual reunion (62nd I believe). Those who came from far and wide raved both about the playground equipment and the walking trail. They also commented how nice it was to see people using the park.
  3. It’s Good Egg Days in Stuart this weekend. Hopefully the weather will cooperate and the candy will hold out to the end of the parade.
  4. I was amazed to see on Ebay this week a Crane’s Store rolling pin. I know that there was at least one other Dexterite bidding on it. Final sale price? Over $400. Wow..makes me wish I had an extra laying around.
  5. Finally, as we move into summer vacations just a reminder to everyone to slow down, take it easy and remember that there are tons of kids out running around.
  6. See you next week, remember… we’re all in this together.

