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Consider this quote from Abe Lincoln

"America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves."



Random thoughts…..

  1. It is nearly 1 a.m. as I sit down to write this after waking up on the couch in terror that I had slept through the night and it was really morning.

  2. Today was the 14th straight day of work and it capped off a 72 hour work week. I am able to crank open semi hoppers in my sleep.

  3. Whole wheat bread, cheese, milk, toilet paper, laundry soap…pickled herring.

  4. I’ve had it with political ads on television. Enough already. Just stop the insanity and split the money you would spend on this garbage with all of us who live in the state. Certainly there has to be a candidate who would be willing to buy my vote?

  5. I ate supper at Hu Hot tonight…or is it Hu Hut? No…I think that it is Hu Hot…not to be confused with Pizza Hut. Anyway…it’s like a giant salad bar that you go through and then hand your salad to some guy who looks like he belongs at one of those Japanese steak houses. He throws your salad onto a very hot rock and cooks it with everyone else’s stuff and hands it back to you. It was actually fun, but there weren’t any beets or jello fluff on the salad bar so I was a little disappointed there.

  6. Is it strange that I had a conversation with Amanda or Angela the check out girl at Wal Mart the other night? Or is it more strange that I actually went into Wal Mart at 9 o’clock at night to buy Pop Tarts? I wish I remember what her name was, because she was friendly and didn’t mind that I looked like Grizzly Adams.

  7. I’m pretty sure that the Woodchuck living under the grain bin at work is plotting to steal my lunch. I’ve been watching him come running out towards me, but then he sees his shadow and I think he is worried that a larger Woodchuck is in the area.

  8. I just realized #3 was my grocery list.

  9. Earlier this week I made my lunch and forgot it at home. I remembered it when I got to town. I turned around drove back home and grabbed the cooler and headed off to work. At lunchtime I was surprised to discover that my lunch wasn’t in the cooler. When I arrived home I discovered it in the cupboard with the peanut butter. Hmmm.

  10. I’ve been new car shopping. Well a new used car. I’ve narrowed it down to a Chrysler 300M, a Chevy Pick Up or the Oscar Meyer Weiner Mobile.

  11. You know the human head weighs eight pounds?

  12. Why did I put my reading glasses in the refrigerator?

  13. I should mow my yard as soon as it rains and I get to come home at a decent time in the evening.

  14. Sleep is so overrated. Sleep is so overrated.

  15. I think I should go back to bed, although I’m not really sure what day it is now so I might not have needed to get up and write a column at all.

See you next week….remember, we’re all in this together.