I must have missed the month of September sneaking away on us and as we stare down October let’s head into the weekend with a few random thoughts.
I seem to be no worse for wear after the super moon eclipse the other night. Hard to believe that at one time people felt that it was a sign of the end of the world.
As you can imagine work has been extremely busy lately as we prep for harvest and fall field work. Unfortunately I did not catch as much of the coverage of Pope Francis’ visit to the United States as I would have liked to. He seems to be doing a good job bringing the Catholic church back to a place where compassion for those less fortunate is at the forefront. Even as a protestant that is something I can admire.
Has anyone figured out what will be the last week we will mow our yards this year?
Harvest will be in full swing, barring any sneaky rain this week, and I want to take a minute and ask all of my readers to remember to slow down, give some extra room and have a little patience when it comes to farm equipment. And for my farm friends, eat a little snack, take a little nap and don’t take shortcuts.
Can we be honest here? If Trump and Hillary are our two options, am I the only one wondering if we might as well just close up the country and move?
It is somewhat hard to imagine that Christmas will be here soon. I suppose I should start making list or two to see who is naughty and nice.
I was reading through an old yearbook this past weekend and noticed that they were talking about the senior class meeting at one of the students houses to make fudge. Oh sure it was a different time back then, but I think I see some similar things happening today when my own kids head to someones house for a bonfire
This week’s challenge to all of you is to pick that one friend you haven’t talked to in ages and just give them a call and catch up. You probably will discover a phone call is just what you and they needed.
Finally this week, as we prepare for fall and all those fun holidays that are coming, remind yourself from time to time to relax and not let the craziness invade yourself. You will survive them just fine and come out in the new year with just as many scars as you have now. See you next week….remember, we’re all in this together.