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Consider this quote from Abe Lincoln

"America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves."



It never seems to fail that when your life reaches a crazy climax that your body has a way of telling you to slow down. Coming off of a trip out to Indianapolis for National FFA Convention and a really long week of loading rail cars at work I knew that a day off was going to be coming due. I didn’t ever think at the time that those days would come because of the deaths of my grandfather and father in law. As luck would have it I woke up early this morning with a horrible scratchy throat and that fun part cough part earthquake. I’ve done my best to doctor it a bit, but the best thing I can do is to go crawl in bed and see how fast I can get this bug kicked. Therefore I bring you this public service announcement.

On Saturday, November 5, remember to set your clocks back one hour as daylight savings time comes to an end…but on second thought, why not skip doing that until Sunday night and that will put you to church an hour early Sunday morning because we honestly know that you could use a little extra time with God this week. See you next week….remember, we’re all in this together.