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Consider this quote from Abe Lincoln

"America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves."



Happy Thanksgiving friends, and since some of you have a short work week, how about some random thoughts?

  1. Weddings are always a happy occasion. I spent the weekend celebrating my adopted sisters third walk down the isle. It was an interesting time, and although I felt like I had the hives the entire time I spent on the University of Iowa campus, I rediscovered how much fun it was just to let yourself get lost in the moment and dance.

  2. I’m completely devastated by the closing of Hostess. No Twinkies or those yummy cup cakes…or Sno Balls…Yeah..wasn’t a big deal to anyone else until I mentioned them was it? Do you remember being a kid and getting to eat one as a treat? That was really something special. The Union bosses are out spouting how by sticking together the workers didn’t give in to the “evil company” and kept their ideals strong. Um….how many Christmas presents will your ideals be buying this year? Certainly that may be an unfair statement, but from information I read from someone in the know, that entire company sounds like it had been a train wreck for a while now with multiple union contracts in place in bakeries that the company could afford to upgrade.

  3. One of my railroad friends commented how similar the Hostess situation was, to what happened in 1980 with the Rock Island Railroad. I thought the analogy was interesting.

  4. Why do we treat people the way we do? I don’t think we are wired to intentionally hurt people but for some reason we continue to do so. I think at this point in my life I would take physical hurt over emotional any day. From my perspective physical heals much quicker.

  5. I’m sure more than a few of you will rush out to partake in Black Friday festivities. Good luck, be polite and patient with each other, and for heaven’s sake, remember it is just stuff!

  6. Cold, warm, cold, warm, cold, warm….my furnace can’t make up it’s mind. I came home to a house that was 59 degrees one evening and the next night the house was 83 when I walked in.

  7. I’m going to guess that by this time next week, the Christmas tree will be up at my house, even though I have yet to put away the bicycles for the winter.

  8. Do you own a GMC or Chevy pick up? Did you know that in the newer models there are air filters inside the cab? Just below your glove box? Yeah! No clue that they were there and changing them now allows the driver of the truck to feel the air coming out of the vents now!

  9. Finally this week, as you travel about, please take a moment to remember those who aren’t able to be with their loved ones at this time. Maybe they are in some foreign land standing guard at an outpost. Perhaps their work, or the economy won’t allow them to make the trip. Or maybe the family bonds are broken and they don’t feel as though home is where they can go. May we all find things to be thankful for, and may we work a little harder on appreciating those things throughout the year.

See you next week….remember, we’re all in this together.