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Consider this quote from Abe Lincoln

"America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves."



The holiday season is now upon us and as I’ve been unable to get into the festive spirit maybe ridding myself of all of the questions that I have been pondering and stressing over is a good thing. And perhaps in some ways I can make these crazy little things go away and quit cluttering up the corners of my mind. Let’s see where too much egg nog and leftover turkey can take me.

  1. I’m irritated by girls who wear “Kiss me I’m Irish!” t-shirts, but are neither Irish, nor happy about being kissed.
  2. Does it seem that Christmas is coming way too fast this year?
  3. Snow…Snow I don’t mind, but ice I could care less for unless it is crushed in a glass with some vodka.
  4. Speaking of ice…I decided yesterday that I was old…as I ventured out I started to slip and the first thing I thought of was that if I fell, I would probably break my hip and then die of pneumonia.
  5. I wonder why there isn’t a decent tree stand on the market. I want one that I don’t have to crawl under the tree and spill water everywhere just to keep my tree from becoming a tinderbox.
  6. Are you old enough to remember when they would flood a tennis court and make an ice rink? We need something like that.
  7. I hear rumor that Santa will be around Dexter this weekend on and off. Guessing he’s doing some last minute checking of his naughty and nice list.
  8. Love Christmas cookies…Love them!
  9. If anyone happens to hear the Melody Makers singing around Christmas…you’ll probably be as close to what the shepherds felt like that night.
  10. Another sign of old age is the fact that your Christmas list consists of socks and underwear.
  11. When you can make dogs and children like you, then you know you aren’t all bad.
  12. Finnally…Kids Mall on Saturday at the Dexter UM Church. From 1 to 4 p.m. kids can come and shop for Christmas presents without Mom and Dad knowing what you got for them. Bring your quarters kids!

See you next week…remember, we’re all in this together.

