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Consider this quote from Abe Lincoln

"America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves."



In only a few days we will say goodbye to 2011. To be quite honest, for yours truly it has been a rotten year, but I always try to look at each life experience in its own context and to learn something for it. So to round up this year here are a few of the things I’ve learned.

  1. I’ve learned that napping becomes more important the older you get.

  2. I’ve learned that very few people in your life will ever be truly honest with you.

  3. I’ve learned eating an entire dozen boiled eggs in one day will leave you with a reminder of your stupidity the next.

  4. I’ve learned that the perfect person will come into someone’s life at just the right time, but that we can’t make someone be that person.

  5. I’ve learned the things we want to deal with the least are the things we spend the most time on.

  6. I’ve learned that pie is indeed a food group.

  7. I’ve learned to never underestimate the power of your child’s smile.

  8. I’ve learned that things change. And there isn’t really a darn thing we can do about them.

  9. I’ve learned that there is a difference between being alone…and being lonely.

  10. I’ve learned that winter eventually ends.

  11. I’ve learned that wearing safety glasses can be cool.

  12. I’ve learned there will be 53 Thursdays in 2012. Who knew?

  13. I’ve learned to put the seat down…but only because I’ve not learned to turn on a light at 3 a.m.

  14. I’ve learned that doing something unexpected can be the highlight of your week.

  15. I’ve learned that just because you’ve been to the rodeo once doesn’t mean that you won’t have to go again.

  16. I’ve learned food is always better…”on a stick”.

  17. I’ve learned that asking for help is ok…(even if it still stinks)

  18. I’ve learned that The Gunderburger isn’t as good as a cheeseburger from The Duck.

  19. I’ve learned that when you get excited about something it’s best to let people know, unless it is the hand you’re holding while playing poker.

  20. Finally, I’ve learned that another year here has fed my soul, and I’m pretty sure I’ll be here for more if you promise to keep reading.

See you next week…Remember, we’re all in this together.