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Consider this quote from Abe Lincoln

"America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves."



There is always something good in the end of a year. have been a real stinker. Unfortunately, or fortunately depending on how you look at it, I spent most of it in a fog of unanswered questions, sadness and anger. The end of the year though brings all of us the opportunity to cast aside this one and look forward to the year ahead. So in honor of the end of this year let us finish it in style with a few random thoughts.

  1. I hope that next year the Republicans will remember that a giant swing to the right isn’t the proper way to counter the giant swing to the left. I also hope that I won’t have to see what might happen to Pat Navin’s head if that does occur.

  2. Did you get enough to eat for Christmas? I was just thinking tonight that a good batch of turkey salad sandwiches seemed to sound good, although I think my grinder was stolen in one of the many “do a good deed” periods this year.

  3. I was impressed with my children this weekend, and yet disappointed in them at the same time. When I told them that there wasn’t much under the tree as money was tight, they took that in stride and seemed to understand that Christmas isn’t just about getting presents. Of course, the minute Grandma walked into the house they couldn’t even let her step in and shut the door before they were asking what she brought them.

  4. I turned on the lights on the house Christmas Eve for my neighbor Marie. When she was alive she would so often call up to the house and comment on how much she enjoyed seeing them at night when she stood at her sink to do dishes. I had considered not turning them on at all, but I thought for just a couple of nights I would stand in the yard watching the big flakes of snow come down with Marie’s spirit and marvel at the lights.

  5. It seems as though the weather might actually turn nice for the last few days of this year. Nice try Mother Nature…trying to warm me up with 40 degree temps just to try to make me forget the mountain of snow that came down early in the year. I’m thankful for the warmth but I’ve got my eye on you.

  6. Have you ever noticed how certain things just have a way of making you remember times in your life? Maybe a song, maybe a Hershey Bar and an apple, or maybe cranberry salad. Don’t anyone tell my middle child that she missed out on Sunday.

  7. Have you made your resolutions for the New Year yet? Yeah, me either…It just seems like I would spend so much energy making up a list only to find it stuck in my desk drawer sometime late this summer.

  8. Speaking of New Years- if you must go out and fall off of the wagon this year, please call someone to come brush you off and take you home, and try not to make that person the undertaker.

  9. I’ve already started thinking about my garden and yard and how nice it will be to get out and start working around the house again. Of course, I probably should be thinking about taxes first, but that doesn’t seem to be much fun.

  10. Finally this week, meeting new people can always be a little nerve wracking and sometimes becomes a bigger deal than it really should be. I had the opportunity this last weekend to visit and meet some very nice people. Thank you all for inviting me into your home and making me feel welcome. Regardless of the size of our respective communities, we as Iowans (and yes, even transplanted Iowans) always know just how to welcome someone in grand style.

See you next week…remember, we’re all in this together.